This is one of the older games on the Super Nintendo.
Hyper Zone is not easily catagorized. The game looks like some-sort of
F-Zero spin-off. Instead of racing opponents, your trying to save the
earth from Aliens. You race through the levels and destroy everything
you can. Not ground breaking but very interesting.
Graphics [6/10]:
Compared to the newer games of the SNES, this is an average game. When
it came out though, it was top of the line. The explosions and Special
Effects are nothing to marvel at, they're not terrible, not
good..they're just there. Same goes with the ship(s) you pilot, and
the enemies, and the level backrounds. There is NOTHING graphically
impressive in this game. They were done well for the time, but are
greatly out dated.
Music and Sound [6/10]:
Slightly better than the graphics, the Music delivers a weak dose, of
what everyone wants...GOOD MUSIC! There is about one song for every
level, that repeats itself, until you encounter the Boss. The music
doesn't get annoying, but rather, old and boring.
Unfortunately the Sound Effects aren't much different. The shooting
lasers all sound the same, along with the thud they make on enemy
ships. The explosions..are all the same as well...except for the Boss
explosions (They make the sound of three small enemy's exploding ;-))
Game Play [7/10]:
Thank good-ness the Game Play is better than the sound and graphics!
Each levels has a different name , backround..and usually a different
ship. The "camera" is position behind the ship your piloting. You've
got to keep the ship on the track, or else it looses energy (Life). As
you speed through the courses, enemies line the's your job
to try and clear out as many as possible...clear out enough each
level, and you'll get an upgraded ship, at the begining of the next
level. The higher level the ship, the faster it goes, and it possesess
more powerful weapons! At the end of each level, there's a Boss
enemy..which isn't too hard to destroy, but they can be difficult.
Challenge and Replay [8/10]:
Hyper Zone is a very difficult game, depending on how you go at only get four lives, and there is no save feature. There are
so many enemies on the screen and you can only fire so-fast...much of
the game is dodging lasers...Diing, is a common occurance for any one
first playing the game.
There isn't too much re-play here. Once you've beaten's done,
there really isn't much more to do. Yeah, I have played it several
times after I had beaten it, but that was after I let it "sit" on my
shelf for a long time.
Conclussion/Overall [6.7/10]:
Hyper Zone is one of the earlier Super Nintendo releases. It appears
that it was released, for one reason...The SNES needed to build up
it's library of titles. This game screams mediocraty. There isn't
anything terrible about it, but then again there isn't anything great
about it either. If your desperate for an SNES game buy this one..or
better yet rent it..if you can. But I can't recommend this game for